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On-Demand Interpretation for Immigration Law

court system using interpreter management system

Immigration law is a complex field

According to the Homeland Security immigration report in 2022, around one million noncitizens obtained lawful residency in the United States. Of those immigrants, it’s interesting to note that 47% either do not speak any English or are Limited English Proficient.

This is where we come in. We recognize the linguistic challenges faced by legal professionals in immigration law. Help bridge the language gap with clients today by filling out our form below and receive 50% off your first 3 months!

But don’t just take our word for it. Below, you’ll find an article by CIO Review featuring BoostOnDemand as their ‘Legal Solution of the Year’.

Fill Out The Form Below Using Your Discount Code To Speak With A Representative!

300+ Languages for On-Demand and Pre-Scheduled Call

VRI or OPI Call Types Available

13.4 second Average Response Times

Network of Qualified Interpreters

BPIN Interpreter Code of Conduct & Ethics and Standards of Practice Integration

Boostlingo incorporates the BPIN Interpreter Code of Conduct and Ethics and Standards of Practice into its platform, providing interpreters with clear guidelines on maintaining confidentiality, ensuring accuracy, practicing impartiality, and demonstrating professionalism during assignments.


We support secure communication, allowing interpreters to keep all information obtained during assignments strictly confidential. The software is designed to ensure that sensitive data remains protected and is not disclosed to unauthorized parties.


With Boostlingo, interpreters can provide the most accurate interpretations possible, without altering, adding, or omitting any information. Boostlingo facilitates accurate and complete interpretations, reflecting the tone, attitude, emotions, and cultural aspects of the message.


We promote impartiality by providing interpreters with a neutral environment that encourages objectivity and prevents the sharing of personal opinions, beliefs, or biases during sessions.


Boostlingo reinforces professionalism by facilitating seamless communication between interpreters, providers, and clients. The cloud-based platform encourages interpreters to adhere to professional standards and protocols, maintain a professional demeanor, and stay up to date with the latest industry guidelines.