A Boostlingo Case Study

New Mexico Courts

Integrated billing and scheduling onto a single platform with Boostlingo IMS.

Shot of a group of lawyers standing in the city


The Language Access Department of the Administrative Office of the Courts in New Mexico chose Boostlingo IMS to integrate interpreter scheduling and billing into a single platform, significantly reducing time, cost and environmental impact. It is now ranked #1 in the United States for Language Access.

The Challenge

The court had been using separate systems for its scheduling and billing. Scheduling happened electronically, but billing was still a manual task. Interpreters had to complete paper invoices and submit them by mail, which increased processing time, costs, and environmental impact. Any changes to interpreter credentials, ID photos, etc., had to be mailed and processed by staff. The court sought to integrate their scheduling and billing processes while moving away from time-consuming paperwork.

The Solution

Boostlingo customized their platform and provided extensive training to staff. The court’s contracted interpreters now electronically submit their invoices through the interpreter portal, streamlining the payment process. It has reduced processing time, costs, and environmental impact. Tying the scheduling and billing pieces together has also improved the court’s ability to evaluate its customers’ needs, keep track of their contracted interpreters, and run detailed cancellation reports.

The Results

Language access in US
Scheduling and billing
Manual processes

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