A Boostlingo Case Study

Access Language Solutions

Managed interpretation services and grew over-the-phone interpreting hours 14x

Virtual Video Conference Business Meeting


Access Language Services (ALS), a nonprofit, struggled using ‘When I Work’ for scheduling interpreters and needed something better. Boostlingo offered a complete platform with features like phone and video interpreting, custom scheduling, and integrations. During COVID-19, Boostlingo helped ALS switch to remote interpreting, increasing from 20 to over 300 hours of phone interpreting a month. The partnership saved money and opened new opportunities.

The Challenge

Before using Boostlingo, Access Language Services had trouble scheduling interpreters with ‘When I Work,’ a basic app not made for language services. While running ALS alone, Lynn Fors had to manually manage and schedule 30-40 interpreters, wasting time and effort. She also aimed to offer affordable services to clients like small non-profits and local businesses with tight budgets.

The Solution

After partnering with Boostlingo, Access Language Services saw significant changes to its operations. Boostlingo’s features made scheduling and managing interpreters easier and allowed Lynn to set up staff interpreters for remote interpreting. They offered remote services which helped them win grants, attract new clients with affordable services. ALS also improved accounting processes with Boostlingo’s QuickBooks integration.

"I offer phone interpreting for the people who work directly for me and then use the BPIN. It's a bigger resource and easier to manage. Some people might think this is going backward, but it’s not. It's more access to interpreting and is really simple. You pick up the phone and put a pin in."

The Results

Monthly OPI hours
Awarded multiple grants
Planning to scale with OPI

Access Language Solutions (ALS) experienced transformative results after partnering with Boostlingo. The platform’s comprehensive features increased operational efficiency, particularly with scheduling and managing interpreters, and enabled remote interpreting capabilities. The partnership allowed ALS to significantly increase its over-the-phone interpreting hours from just 20 per month to over 300 during the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, the organization secured multiple grants and expanded its reach to new clients through affordable services.   

One of the most significant successes Lynn has experienced with Boostlingo is the increased availability and affordability of phone interpreting for her clients. “My clients are getting increasingly interested in over-the-phone interpreting. They see the cost savings.” Lynn sees over-the-phone interpreting as an area for further growth and expansion. Since it is mostly Lynn managing the company, she is considering further utilizing remote interpreting and B-Hub to generate more business. “Offering over-the-phone interpreting for the people that work directly for me and then using the BPIN are much bigger resources and easier to manage,” Lynn explained. “Some people might think this is going backward, but it’s not.” Lynn shares. “It’s more access in the long run to interpreting and really simple access, picking up the phone and putting a pin in.” 

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