Healthcare Video Remote Interpreting is Trending: Here’s Why

video remote healthcare interpretation is trending

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There’s no doubt that providing an onsite interpreter is sometimes necessary in the healthcare field. However, there are instances when healthcare video remote interpreting (VRI) is a better fit for both the patient and the provider.

Much like an Onsite Interpreter, VRI eliminates language barriers between healthcare professional and limited-English proficiency (LEP, hard-of-hearing or Deaf patients. 97% of doctors report treating LEP patients. When it comes to working with and treating your LEP patients, the demand for qualified interpreters and translators is not slowing down anytime soon, but what if your “onsite” interpreter could be more accessible all the time?

Let’s talk about Video remote interpreting. It is a leading-edge technology that is changing the way healthcare professionals communicate in medical and hospital settings. Rather than having someone onsite, VRI combines the high level of accuracy gained from face-to-face communication with the simplicity of telephonic interpretation.

The question of considering the VRI option constantly comes to many healthcare providers’ minds. The answer is yes, absolutely, and here’s why:

In the medical field, minutes, seconds, time, really matters. Imagine how frustrating it would be if you were in need of healthcare, but you were unable to communicate with your physician. Not knowing that you couldn’t understand the important information that was being told to you… and your inability to communicate your questions and concerns in response, no one should have to come across a situation like this.

Unfortunately, this scenario occurs every day in hospitals and doctors’ offices all over the United States. While some healthcare professionals may think they can depend on a patient’s spouse to interpret for them, interpreting complicated, and specific medical terms can get tricky, and these are terms that must be explained accurately by certified medical interpreters.

One minute, or miscommunication from someone who is not a medical interpreter can affect a patient so quickly, which is why the healthcare field is constantly evolving and improving with technology like Video Remote Interpreting. VRI gives healthcare professionals the advantage of connecting with a medically certified interpreter in seconds while promoting the highest level of accuracy in interpreting.

Video Remote Interpreting Provides Endless Convenience

As we’ve mentioned, VRI is a method that can connect healthcare providers and their patients with a face-to-face interpreter, but with the speed of access and viability of cost that is available via video remote technology, making it incredibly convenient for all.

The benefits of using VRI over an Onsite Interpreter is it eliminates the need for advance scheduling and travel accommodations for onsite interpreters. Hospitals are now able to access VRI services for their patients 24/7 by simply connecting to interpreters via computers, laptops, tablets or other smart devices. Using VRI can also improve cost savings by decreasing interpreting costs by eliminating waiting time, travel and minimum charges.

Various situations require a different type of interpreting service, but it’s important that healthcare providers take the time to decide which interpreting services are best for their patients. Additionally, ensuring compliance with medical video remote interpreting is crucial to maintaining the highest standards of patient care and accuracy. As a healthcare provider, think about what’s best for your patient. While an onsite interpreter may seem better, a Video Remote Interpreter can be more efficient and even life-saving.

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