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CMS Test Calls: A guide for Language Service Providers and Interpreters
CMS Test Calls: A Guide for LSPs and Interpreters
how does medical interpretation work?
How Does Medical Interpretation Work?
a comprehensive guide to interpretation services
A Comprehensive Guide to Interpretation Services
As technological innovations emerge at a rapid pace, we’re living in an increasingly interconnected world. Breakthroughs in transportation and telecommunications have allowed us to engage with people from different corners of the world and this newfound interconnectedness has revolutionized global interactions. But as the world gets smaller, language barriers bring an additional layer of challenges to cross-cultural engagements.
The Remote Interpreter
More Than Just Buzz: Why the Remote Interpreter is an Important Milestone
The Remote Interpreter textbook was discussed on a podcast called "Brand the Interpreter"
On Brand the Interpreter Podcast: Boostlingo Team Talks Remote Interpreting
the price of medical interpreting errors
The High Price of Medical Interpreting Errors
video remote interpretation (VRI)
How to Grow Your Interpreting Business with Direct Clients
techniques to translate untranslatable words
Two Techniques for Interpreting Untranslatable Words
5 tools to identify spoken languages
5 Tools to Help You Identify Spoken Languages
Boostlingo provides free on-demand interpretation minutes to Nations Ministry
Why EQ Matters in Interpreting and How to Improve Yours